Tag: websites

Family Search Blog: A Reliable Resource for YOU

Did you know that Family Search has a blog? I didn’t! It was a couple years ago that I stumbled across it myself and it’s an amazing resource. I think we are accustomed to using Google as our main research tool when learning about a topic. But the Family Search blog has a lot to offer as well in this area. So let me show you what it...

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Genealogy Hack: Use Websites to Engage Kids

I know you love genealogy, right? If you didn’t have any other responsibilities to do, you most likely would pick genealogy to fill your day. However, for those of you with kids, they might not love the same thing you do. This is where genealogy websites come in for the win! I’m going to highlight some websites that have kids activities...

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Genealogy Hack: Read the Genealogy Directions

This genealogy hack is a simple, but profound one. Have you ever skipped over the directions because you think you know what that website or genealogy collection is all about? I have! However, over the years I’ve learned that if I want to be a more efficient genealogist, then I need to pick and choose what websites, collections, and places...

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Danish Immigration and Emigration

Hey everyone! How’s it going this week? Is everyone getting ready for your kids going back to school? I know I am! I know everyone who reads this post doesn’t have kids at home, however; we all have transitions seasons of our lives that we experience. That’s why I wanted to talk with you about Danish immigration because that...

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Wednesday Wisdom 5 Genealogy Website that I Love and Why!

Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope your holiday was great! Mine was amazing! The highlight of my trip to my parent’s house was not only the Thanksgiving feast, but driving into the mountains to get our Christmas tree. That’s our tradition. We usually get our Christmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. If it’s just my husband, daughter, and me,...

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