Tag: travel

Genealogy Hack: Create a Genealogy Bucket List

So the year 2020 hasn’t been entirely predictable has it? We are all for making bucket lists for each season and I love doing that with my family. However, I have never made a bucket list of just family history ideas before. So, I decided to do just that and include things that don’t require large groups. Spotlight an Ancestor Wouldn’t...

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Getting to Know Your Ancestor Better

Hello everyone! Can you believe August is just about over and we will officially be in Fall in a few days? Wow, how time flies! Wouldn’t it be fun to walk in your ancestor’s shoes? Who among you has done that yet? It could be going to a town that they lived in or doing a whole journey from your ancestor’s birth to their...

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Danish Immigration and Emigration

Hey everyone! How’s it going this week? Is everyone getting ready for your kids going back to school? I know I am! I know everyone who reads this post doesn’t have kids at home, however; we all have transitions seasons of our lives that we experience. That’s why I wanted to talk with you about Danish immigration because that...

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