Tag: traditions

Swedish and Finnish Christmas Traditions of the Past

Hey everyone! Merry Christmas! There are only three more days until Christmas Eve when most Scandinavians celebrate Christmas. For some people this means a frantic rush to get all of their tasks done and their stress levels are through the roof. For others this means a time to anticipate good food, good company, and good fun! I hope you’re not...

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How Old Christmas Traditions can help with Genealogy

Happy Friday everyone! Isn’t it great to know that the weekend is just around the corner? For some of you that means a whole day or two of genealogy research! Yay! I remember the time before my daughter was born when I could research the whole day and not feel guilty at all for doing it. Now, on a good day, I have until she gets home from school. ...

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A Different Way to Think About the Holidays and Genealogy

Hello everyone! How’s it going this week? I hope all is well and that the holiday plans aren’t stressing you out too much! Do you have plans for Thanksgiving? I think that’s what I love about the holidays. It’s the family get together with all of us humans. Nobody’s perfect and that’s what makes a story. I bet everyone has a juicy story or two...

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