Tag: Swedish genealogy

How to Use the Swedish Archives Website with Ease

So you have Swedish ancestors and you’ve searched all you can in Family Search and Ancestry. Now what? Where do you go to find more original records that aren’t found on Family Search and Ancestry. That’s where the Swedish National Archives come in or better known as the Swedish ArkivDigital. Let me show you a little about how...

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Swedish Genealogy and How to Begin Confidently

Hello everyone! Today and for the next few months we’re going to be talking about Swedish genealogy! I must confess that I love this country and its records. I personally don’t have any Swedish ancestry, however, when I studied this section in my college classes, I always looked forward to learning more about it. Sweden has a little...

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How to find your Swedish Military Ancestor

Hello everyone! How has your week gone this week? Are you enjoying summer? I hope that whatever plans you have for summer you will take time to search for your ancestors. It’s a great summer project for the family as well. I mentioned last week that I would show you how to search for an ancestor on the main Swedish military website this...

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