Tag: Sweden Archives

Swedish Genealogy and How to Begin Confidently

Hello everyone! Today and for the next few months we’re going to be talking about Swedish genealogy! I must confess that I love this country and its records. I personally don’t have any Swedish ancestry, however, when I studied this section in my college classes, I always looked forward to learning more about it. Sweden has a little...

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Free Genealogy Websites that I Use and Love

We all love something that’s free, right? My husband is famous for saying, “If it’s free, it’s for me!” This is also the case for free genealogy websites. We are all looking for more free websites that will get us the genealogy information or record that we need. Therefore, I compiled a list of some of the free websites...

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Wednesday Wisdom 5 Genealogy Website that I Love and Why!

Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope your holiday was great! Mine was amazing! The highlight of my trip to my parent’s house was not only the Thanksgiving feast, but driving into the mountains to get our Christmas tree. That’s our tradition. We usually get our Christmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. If it’s just my husband, daughter, and me,...

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