Tag: research log

5 Genealogy Tools to Make Your Research Easier

Have you ever started a genealogy research session and stared at a blank page? Where do you start? Who do you research? And what records do you use? That’s where genealogy organization comes in. The genealogy tools that I share are some of the most basic that you’ll need to get the results that you want for your ancestors. Genealogy...

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Effective Tips When Stuck on a Certain Family Member

Are you stuck on a family member and can’t get past them in your genealogy research? You want to push back in your family tree, but you just can’t move past this one family member. You feel certain that ancestor is out there with records about his/her life, but for the life of you, you can’t find them! Welcome to what we lovingly...

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How Can a Research Log Help Me be a Better Genealogist?

Hey Friends! How’s it going this week? Any new genealogy discoveries? Any new brick walls? Have you tried applying new organization tools this week? Anyway, it’s great to share with you more of what has helped me with my genealogy. So let’s get started! This week I’m sharing another organizing tool that has really helped me get even better at...

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