Tag: records

How I Organize my Genealogy and Save Time

Today, let’s go behind the scenes to see how I organize my genealogy to save me time and energy. Who doesn’t want that, right? I understand that there are multiple ways to organize your genealogy. Therefore, if my way doesn’t fit with your lifestyle or routines, then just brush it aside. However, if this is what you’re...

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Sweden Military-Did your Ancestor Serve?

Hello everyone! How has your week gone? I hope life hasn’t been too hard on you this week. If it has, then I sympathize. It’s no fun going through a trial or challenge. It’s much better for us humans to be on the other side of those. I may not understand what your trial looks like or how it affects you, but you’ve definitely...

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Wednesday Wisdom on a Thursday

Hey friends! Here’s a checklist for what to do when researching your Scandinavian ancestor. Keep this checklist handy to refer back to when you need to know the next step or to refresh your memory.  Good luck!  1. Gather all that you know from family and friends. 2. Organize what you have and search everything from Bibles to newspaper...

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