Tag: organization

Organize Your Genealogy the Home Edit Way

Have you heard of The Home Edit company? They are an organizing business that was created and grown solely on social media. Now they have an international presence with a website, books, product line and multiple organizing teams going all over the nation to help people organize. They also have a Netflix series that I’ve kind of been...

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Create a Genealogy Workflow and Save Energy

Struggling with having an efficient workflow when doing genealogy research? I hear ya! The workflow of anything that we do matters. The genealogy workflow is no different. So I’m sharing my tips for how I create a workflow that works for me. These tips help me stay organized before I start researching, during my research, and after I’m...

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3 Popular Ways to Organize Your Computer Files

Wrestling with how to organize your genealogy computer files? I’ve been there! I know how frustrating it is to find a system that works for you. I’ve been through many systems over the years and it’s not easy being in the middle of it all. So I’m sharing 3 of the most popular ways to organize your computer files. I’ve...

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How to Look Forward on Your Genealogy Journey

The year 2020 was rough for many of you. I was not immune to the stresses of that year. However, as we look forward to the year 2021 we can have courage and determination to make this year different for our genealogy. Maybe you were unmotivated this last year to even look at your genealogy. You wanted to just let all of your genealogy go because...

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How I Organize my Genealogy and Save Time

Today, let’s go behind the scenes to see how I organize my genealogy to save me time and energy. Who doesn’t want that, right? I understand that there are multiple ways to organize your genealogy. Therefore, if my way doesn’t fit with your lifestyle or routines, then just brush it aside. However, if this is what you’re...

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How to Create Genealogy Goals in 3 Simple Steps

It’s getting to the end of the year and that means it’s time to start looking at the past year and reflecting on it. How did you do this last year?  How can you create genealogy goals for this next year without getting overwhelmed from all of the things you didn’t accomplish this last year? What Did You Learn from Your Past First,...

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How Can a Research Log Help Me be a Better Genealogist?

Hey Friends! How’s it going this week? Any new genealogy discoveries? Any new brick walls? Have you tried applying new organization tools this week? Anyway, it’s great to share with you more of what has helped me with my genealogy. So let’s get started! This week I’m sharing another organizing tool that has really helped me get even better at...

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How Research Plans Helped Me Get my Genealogy Goals in Shape

Hi friends! How is everyone doing this week? I’m doing great as usual! My life has been pretty normal this past week. We just got done celebrating my daughter’s birthday and I must admit that she is growing up fast! I was just looking at some of her birthday pictures and I was comparing them to her pictures taken last year. I can see the difference! Her...

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Wednesday Wisdom-5 Genealogy Books and Magazines that I Use and Love

Hey everyone! It’s almost Christmas! Who’s ready and who’s scrambling for last minute gift ideas? Don’t worry I’ve got you covered for ideas. Today’s post is all about last minute genealogy Christmas gifts! You’re welcome… Here’s 5 items that I have personally used or owned and loved! 1. Professional Genealogy-Preparation, Practice,...

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