Tag: kids

Creating a Simple Genealogy Plan for Summer

Do you know how you want to do genealogy this summer? This is my question when summer rolls around every year. What do I want to focus on with my genealogy? How do I want to schedule it into my day? My daughter will be home so do I want to involve her in family history or focus on something else with her? All of these questions float through my...

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RootsTech Connect and 4 Valuable Classes from it

Do you want to learn more about genealogy by taking classes? It’s challenging to find the right fit for your time and budget. But at Family Search you get a link to RootsTech Connect, which is the virtual platform for RootsTech 2021. They held the official event in February, but you can still watch classes on a variety of subjects either by...

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Genealogy and Family: 4 Useful Tips to Solve Problems

For the month of April let’s talk about genealogy and how to fit it into your family life, how to get your kids excited about it, how to include your family in it, and how to not pull your hair out with frustration along the way. Basically I will be talking about the family pain points of genealogy. So let’s get started! What’s...

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