Tag: household examination records

3 Swedish Genealogy Records that You Need to Research

What Swedish genealogy records do you need to search for when trying to find your Swedish ancestor. You know that you need to find birth, marriage, and death records, but what else after that? In this article I will show you other Swedish records that you may or may not be aware of that will give you tons of genealogical information about your ancestor....

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What about Swedish Church Records?

Hello everyone! Welcome to another week of genealogy! I figured we had enough of Swedish household examinations and moving in and out records for a lifetime. However, if you need a refresher on these records, then click here, here, and here. So let’s change gears a little and talk about Swedish church records and how they connect with the...

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Where did my Swedish Ancestor Go?

Hello everyone! How’s it going this week? I’ve had a great week of learning more about other people’s ancestor’s and their lives. It’s interesting to me to see how other people chose to live their life. It shows in the records that were left. I talked about Swedish household examination records last week and now I...

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How do you use Swedish Household Examinations in Genealogy?

Hello Everyone! How’s your week going? I have a really fun article this week. Well, I had fun creating it anyway. I love using household examinations. This is where I really get to know a family and find out how they lived. It’s not complete, but it helps me know them as people instead of just names on paper. Our Family Case Study Let’s...

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Your Swedish Ancestor’s Household Examinations

Hello everyone! How has your week gone? How are you doing with your genealogy? Are you coming up against new roadblocks or have you found a “gold vein” of information? Genealogy is a fascinating area because you don’t just work on it then you’re done. It has many avenues that can take you many directions. It isn’t...

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