Tag: genealogy

Genealogy and Family: 4 Useful Tips to Solve Problems

For the month of April let’s talk about genealogy and how to fit it into your family life, how to get your kids excited about it, how to include your family in it, and how to not pull your hair out with frustration along the way. Basically I will be talking about the family pain points of genealogy. So let’s get started! What’s...

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A Reliable Way To Start Norwegian Genealogy

Hello family historians! Did you just learn that you have Norwegian ancestors? Have you known about your Norwegian ancestors and yet didn’t want to get started on them just yet? Getting started with your Norwegian genealogy records isn’t as complicated as you might expect. It is a simple step by step process just like any research project....

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3 Easy Steps to Creating My Family Yearbook

Post originally published Feb 28, 2020 I love yearbooks! I find great satisfaction creating my family yearbook every year. However, I stopped for a few years because I told myself I didn’t have the time to devote to it anymore. I lost my motivation to do it! Then I found Becky Higgins Project Life App and it changed my perspective. I saw...

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How My Nordic Ancestors Have Changed My Christmas

How have you connected with your ancestors over the years? One of my favorite ways to connect is by doing what my ancestors did. I’ve learned many things about my Nordic ancestors, but my most favorite are my Christmas traditions. I recently found Jacquie Lawson 2020 Nordic Advent Calendar that is all about the Nordic traditions. My daughter...

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5 Simple Tips for Gathering Stories for Genealogy

You are heard…that’s what we ultimately want to feel when we gather as groups to tell stories. Stories bring us together in ways that other methods can’t. Gathering stories is a way for all of us, young and old, to connect with one another. And besides, it’s just plain fun! The holidays are a natural time for people to...

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3 Simple Steps to go from Overwhelm to Productive

Right now we are very accustomed to going through the roller coaster of emotions. This particularly happens when we look at all of the genealogy projects we want to do, right? There’s so many good genealogy activities that will fill our time with joy, but sometimes we feel overwhelmed. There’s just so much to do! So let me share with...

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Genealogy Hack: Document Using Your Phone

I love genealogy! I love researching my ancestors as far back as I can go. It’s very satisfying when I find that elusive 1700s or 1600s record that I’ve been researching for years. However, I also love preserving my family’s memories and our lives today. So today I’m sharing some genealogy hacks that have helped me to document...

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Genealogy Hack: How to Use Genealogy Word Lists

You have ancestors that emigrated from Europe, Scandinavia, South America, etc. You are now faced with trying to find and read foreign records. What is your usual response when faced with these records? Do you stop, put it on the back burner for later, or do you find someone to help you? What tools do you already use to help you decipher these...

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Genealogy Hack: What is a Timeline for Genealogy?

What is a timeline? Most people learn about timelines in school for their history classes. A timeline is a list of events in a chronological form. History classes use this tool as a way for people to remember dates and places. However, we use timelines as a genealogy hack to show the dates and places of our ancestors. These timelines can correspond...

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