Tag: familysearch

How to Get to Know Your Women Ancestors

How would you get to know your women ancestors? Would you research them? Find out more of their culture? Would you make their recipes? I recently went to an activity where we had to research our maternal line as far back as we could go. We could only follow the women in that line. It was a fascinating experience for me. My Earliest Women Ancestors I’ve...

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Danish Probate Records and How to Use Them

We’re diving deeper into Danish probate records this week. So you can have a taste of what they are, what to expect from them and where to find them. Many of these are found on the major genealogy websites such as Family Search, Ancestry, My Heritage, and Find My Past. But the Danish National Archives are a good place to search out these...

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How to Merge People in FamilySearch

When we use FamilySearch’s Family Tree, we can discover that other people have already entered our ancestor’s information. We then end up with a duplicate for that person. Now what do you do? Well, here’s the basic way to merge your ancestors. Open Up Your Ancestor’s Person Page Click on an ancestor in your family...

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