Tag: family tree

How to Get to Know Your Women Ancestors

How would you get to know your women ancestors? Would you research them? Find out more of their culture? Would you make their recipes? I recently went to an activity where we had to research our maternal line as far back as we could go. We could only follow the women in that line. It was a fascinating experience for me. My Earliest Women Ancestors I’ve...

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Effective Tips When Stuck on a Certain Family Member

Are you stuck on a family member and can’t get past them in your genealogy research? You want to push back in your family tree, but you just can’t move past this one family member. You feel certain that ancestor is out there with records about his/her life, but for the life of you, you can’t find them! Welcome to what we lovingly...

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What to do When You Have a Full Family Tree

Are you the type of person who has a full family tree? Do you have relatives who are enthusiastic about researching and connecting the family and have “done all of the work”? I get this excuse a lot when I talk with people about their family history. They say all of the work has been done and they know their ancestry for 8+ generations....

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How to Merge People in FamilySearch

When we use FamilySearch’s Family Tree, we can discover that other people have already entered our ancestor’s information. We then end up with a duplicate for that person. Now what do you do? Well, here’s the basic way to merge your ancestors. Open Up Your Ancestor’s Person Page Click on an ancestor in your family...

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Genealogy Hacks for Researching Ancestors

Summer has started for us! Yay! If you’re reading this and it’s not summer yet, then pretend it is. This article is the first in a series of genealogy hacks that may or may not be new to you. The goal is to help you see that you CAN do small steps with the little time you have whether it’s summer or not at your house. I’m...

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Family Search Website Tips for Beginners

Are you or someone in your family brand new to Family Search? Maybe its a youth who wants to add their information onto Family Tree and doesn’t know how. I will show you a few tips about how to understand Family Search from a beginner’s perspective. Start by making sure you have a separate email not shared with anyone else in...

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Getting Started with Your Genealogy with 2 Websites

Are you brand new to genealogy? Getting started with genealogy can be overwhelming at first. Have you begun your personal genealogy, but want to create family trees on Ancestry and FamilySearch and don’t know how? Then this article will show you the steps to getting started. Ancestry.com This website is a major powerhouse in the...

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Wednesday Wisdom-Trees and Genealogy

Hey everyone! Have you ever looked at a tree in winter and saw all of the many branches on it? There are hundreds of branches twisting and turning to reach the sun.  We have a huge tree in our front yard that is beautiful to me.  I love watching the tree change during its many seasons.  My favorite is the fall because it explodes...

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