Tag: Denmark

How to Use Danish Records for a Genealogy Timeline

So you have Danish ancestry and have found some Danish records, but not all the records that you can for your ancestors. How do you know that you’re researching in every record group? That’s where a timeline comes in. While our ancestors lived their lives, they created records along the way. When a baby was born a birth record was created....

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How Do I Research Copenhagen, Denmark?

Hello everyone! Welcome back to another blog post about Danish genealogy! I hope this information is useful for you and that you have Danish ancestry right now. If not, just bare with me because I will jump back and forth between Norway, Sweden, and Denmark after I lay down the Danish genealogy basics. My goal this year is to focus on one country...

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5 Things I Love About Danes and Why

Hygge What is that you ask? It doesn’t have a word for word translation into English. However, it means warm, happy coziness, and togetherness. Other Scandinavian countries have a similar cultural practice, but Danes live this concept everyday. They use candles instead of electric lights if they want to feel extra hygge. They put...

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Getting Started with Danish Towns of Origin

Hello everyone! How are you doing this week? I hope you enjoyed some 4th of July celebrations yesterday if you celebrate that. I know we had fun with watching fireworks and having our own barbecue dinner with all of our family that lives in the area. It was awesome! So who’s ready to talk about all things Danish genealogy?! I am!!!! No...

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Scandinavian Marriage Records-More than just Names

Happy Valentine’s month! I hope you’ve had a great week. I also hope you had a great Valentine’s Day yesterday. We will be talking about Scandinavian marriage records in a minute because marriage records are a great topic to talk about for the month of February. But first let me tell you about my Valentine’s day. It was a normal...

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A Different Way to Think About the Holidays and Genealogy

Hello everyone! How’s it going this week? I hope all is well and that the holiday plans aren’t stressing you out too much! Do you have plans for Thanksgiving? I think that’s what I love about the holidays. It’s the family get together with all of us humans. Nobody’s perfect and that’s what makes a story. I bet everyone has a juicy story or two...

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