Tag: Danish church records

Danish Probate Records and How to Use Them

We’re diving deeper into Danish probate records this week. So you can have a taste of what they are, what to expect from them and where to find them. Many of these are found on the major genealogy websites such as Family Search, Ancestry, My Heritage, and Find My Past. But the Danish National Archives are a good place to search out these...

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How to Use Danish Records for a Genealogy Timeline

So you have Danish ancestry and have found some Danish records, but not all the records that you can for your ancestors. How do you know that you’re researching in every record group? That’s where a timeline comes in. While our ancestors lived their lives, they created records along the way. When a baby was born a birth record was created....

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9 Simple Tips on How to Strategize Danish Genealogy

You have Danish ancestry and you’re wondering where to start, right? It’s always good to have a plan or strategy each time you take on a new project. We call this a genealogy plan. So here are a few tips on what to remember before you begin your Danish genealogy. Search Other Family Trees First Other people have gone before you...

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Danish Church Records-Is Your Ancestor in There?

Hello everyone! Welcome to another week of genealogy! Who’s excited to learn about Danish church records? I know that when I first learned about these records, it took some time and effort to understand them. I still need time to translate them, but the format of these records is easier to understand these days. So let me show you what...

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A Brief Look at Danish Census Records

Hello Everyone! How’s it going this week! Off to do some genealogy right? Right! Good answer. I love talking all things genealogy. I especially love explaining how Scandinavian records work because I was in your shoes a few years ago and now I want to share what I know with you. Let’s start with once you have found your immigrant...

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