Tag: beginner

5 Proven Steps to Research Your Family Tree

Where do you start when you want to build your family tree? You know you want to do this, but how do you get started and where do you go from here? Sometimes, it’s very obvious on how to get started and sometimes it’s not. Most of us already have a relative who has already done so much on our family tree that you don’t know where...

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How to Find Genealogy Records for Beginners

When you’re first starting out in your genealogy research it can sometimes be overwhelming to know where to go to find what you’re looking for. This is especially true when you have multiple people or multiple goals to search for. Beginners sometimes have a hard time organizing their research. You first have to decide what you want...

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What Beginner Genealogists Need to Get Started

Beginner genealogists have a hard time getting started because genealogy is so varied and so complex. Especially when you’re beginning your research journey. What do you need? Where do you go to find records? How do you save what you find? There are many questions and not enough answers. So I’m sharing four basic things to help you...

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Family Search Website Tips for Beginners

Are you or someone in your family brand new to Family Search? Maybe its a youth who wants to add their information onto Family Tree and doesn’t know how. I will show you a few tips about how to understand Family Search from a beginner’s perspective. Start by making sure you have a separate email not shared with anyone else in...

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