How to Get Your Kids Excited about Genealogy

Do you have family members that you wish would be more interested in genealogy? Have you tried different things to engage them, but none has worked so far? I’m with you on this one! I’ve got family members that just aren’t interested. But I don’t give up. I’ve learned to be considerate of their seasons of life while being true to myself as well. So let me share a few things to help you get your kids excited about genealogy.

how to get your kids excited about genealogy,

First of all, let’s clarify a thing or two about your expectations about your family. You can’t make your family like genealogy! Sorry, to say that, but it’s true. I think we all have good intentions when we start to share our genealogy obsession. But if we let it, it can evolve into a control issue. Our kids must like genealogy or everything is doomed! Not that I’ve thought that or anything…

Be Aware of Your Motivations

So we must look at our deep motivations for sharing our genealogy. Why do you want your family to be involved in genealogy? I would say most of us want to share our genealogy because it brings families together, it tells about our ancestors, and it gives meaning to our lives. That’s great! But make sure you don’t have any ulterior motives such as they will one day do genealogy with me, they will take over when I’m gone, or they will love the same things that I love about genealogy. Again, not that I’ve thought any of these thoughts or anything…

Instead, it’s much more empowering to share genealogy with our kids when we have a different mindset. Instead of having a controlling mindset, let’s have a connection mindset. What does connecting with your kids through genealogy look like to you?

Creative Ways to Inspire Your Kids

  1. Cemetery Scavenger Hunt- Make a printable that has cemetery symbols, ancestor names, or other cemetery objects that can keep your kids busy while you look for genealogy information. I like this cemetery scavenger hunt because it has one for both younger and older kids.
  2. Genealogy Websites- Many websites offer a kids section to make researching genealogy more fun. My favorites are Family Tree Magazine, Family Search, and The Genealogy Kids.
  3. Family History Day- This one is just taking a day to do or learn about family history. It’s similar to summer schedules where Tuesday is Take a Trip Day, Wednesday is Water Day, Thursday is Thinking Day, etc. So why not pick a day to be Family History Day?
  4. Maps- Maps are not just for adults! Kids love them as well. Next time you take a road trip try using a paper road map and teach your kids how to read a map. Then teach them the places your ancestors came from along with a story about that place and ancestor.
  5. Research Buddies- If you need help with researching your ancestors or putting all of the clues together, then why not enlist your kids? Of course, this is based on age, but you could even pay them when they find certain clues or people. It’s a great way for them to earn money and for you to get some research done.
  6. Personal Timelines- You could do this no matter what your kid’s age is. You just need a piece of paper, draw a timeline on it starting with your child’s birthday, list your child’s events on one side, then list the world events on the other side. You can create it for your children or they can do it themselves. Include your kid’s picture and let them decorate it however they want. Your kids will love to do this indoors or outdoors.
how to get your kids excited about genealogy,


The point of this is to just keep trying different things. And remember, you can’t make them like family history, but you can share what you love with them. Let them decide if and when they want to do genealogy. In the meantime, just have fun without the added agenda!

And in the meantime…good luck and happy hunting!


P.S. Related Reads

children, family, family history and children, familytreemagazine, kids and genealogy

© Savvy Genealogy.