How to Get to Know Your Women Ancestors

How would you get to know your women ancestors? Would you research them? Find out more of their culture? Would you make their recipes? I recently went to an activity where we had to research our maternal line as far back as we could go. We could only follow the women in that line. It was a fascinating experience for me. My Earliest Women Ancestors I’ve...

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Records that Will Help You Find Your Women Ancestors

Today we are taking a deeper dive into the records that will help you find your women ancestors. We all know how difficult it can be to find women in historical records. They changed their surname when they married, they were often not mentioned in records, or their husband was mentioned instead. So some records are easy to find such as census records,...

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3 Basic Strategies for Finding Women in Genealogy

Finding women in genealogy can be daunting. There weren’t many records that have their full names or any part of their names listed. They changed their name when they got married. Sometimes they were known only by their husband’s name. If they were married, most of the documents were written under their husband’s name with the...

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4 Noticeable Differences in the 1950 Census

What differences in the 1950 census have you seen? Have you noticed new notations? Is the format different? Are the people arranged differently on this record? Yes to all of that! Things are slightly different on this record. I’ve had to learn it myself. So this article shares what’s new or different on this record. And what to do if you can’t find...

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How to Research the 1950 Census Record

The 1950 Census records are public! Now at the time of this article, they are still being indexed, but the original records can be searched online starting April 1, 2022. So it’s up to you whether you want to wait for them to be indexed or dive into the original records and go page by page. Eventually, they will all be easily accessed on the major...

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5 Proven Steps to Research Your Family Tree

Where do you start when you want to build your family tree? You know you want to do this, but how do you get started and where do you go from here? Sometimes, it’s very obvious on how to get started and sometimes it’s not. Most of us already have a relative who has already done so much on our family tree that you don’t know where...

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