A Different Way to Think About the Holidays and Genealogy

Hello everyone! How’s it going this week? I hope all is well and that the holiday plans aren’t stressing you out too much! Do you have plans for Thanksgiving? I think that’s what I love about the holidays. It’s the family get together with all of us humans. Nobody’s perfect and that’s what makes a story. I bet everyone has a juicy story or two...

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Wednesday Wisdom-Trees and Genealogy

Hey everyone! Have you ever looked at a tree in winter and saw all of the many branches on it? There are hundreds of branches twisting and turning to reach the sun.  We have a huge tree in our front yard that is beautiful to me.  I love watching the tree change during its many seasons.  My favorite is the fall because it explodes...

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Wednesday Wisdom

Hey everyone! I hope your week is going well so far. This week is a pretty slow week for me so I’m able to catch up on all of my projects that are half done! Woo Hoo! Anyway, I’m starting a new midweek post about tips, tricks, humor, quick stories, pick of the week items, etc. to share with you guys. I hope it’s fun and a little...

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Should I Hire a Professional Genealogist?

Hello readers! I was thinking about what I should write about today. I have written a lot about the practical side of doing genealogy. I decided to take a break from that on this post and focus instead on some stories and concerns that people might have about hiring a genealogist. First, I want to share a story with you about my own genealogy...

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What does a genealogist do?!

So I’ve decided to include Norwegian words as a fun little thing at the beginning of each blog post. So here goes… Født=birth, as in a birth record. So any time you see that word on a title page of a record, then you know you’re looking at a birth record and not a marriage or death record. So on to the question of the day. What does a genealogist...

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The Reason for my Scandinavian Obsession

Hello, everyone!  I’m pleased to make your acquaintance. I hope we become better friends as I discuss all things genealogy on this blog. First, let me tell you how I became interested in genealogy.  Long ago in high school, my church youth group did an assignment to find our grandparents on census records or any historical record. I was...

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