Your Ancestor’s Occupations Can Lead to More Clues

It’s May Day today! Do you know what that means? It means that the Scandinavian people get the day off from work. It’s a National holiday for most Scandinavians and they enjoy it to the fullest. Actually, they start celebrating the day before May Day because they also get this day off as well in celebration of spring and summer right...

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How I Work as a Genealogist Q&A

Want to know what it would be like to work with me as a genealogist? Then you’re in for a treat because I answer some questions that have come my way in the hopes that it will inspire you to get the genealogy help that you need. What does a one-on-one consultation look like for you? I tell people that they have a free 30 minute consultation...

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Effective Tips for Finding Census Records

As genealogists, we understand the importance of census records. Sometimes, we like to think that the census records were created for genealogy. When in reality, the government created census records for government purposes. Then genealogists use them later for their purposes. Why were census records created Governments all across...

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Small Genealogy Research Projects Can Get Results

Time is a valuable commodity these days. We want to do genealogy and find our ancestors, yet we feel we don’t have enough time. I’ve been there! I’ve wondered in the past how I could do genealogy research when I didn’t have hours to devote to it. That’s why I’m sharing some tips to help you find those precious...

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Family Search Website Tips for Beginners

Are you or someone in your family brand new to Family Search? Maybe its a youth who wants to add their information onto Family Tree and doesn’t know how. I will show you a few tips about how to understand Family Search from a beginner’s perspective. Start by making sure you have a separate email not shared with anyone else in...

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9 Simple Ways to do Genealogy During Spring Break

Spring is here and that means spring break for those of you who have kids in school. Are you ready to do genealogy during spring break? My daughter goes to public school and has a week and a half for spring break. I always both dread and hope for school breaks. Mainly, because I now have to come up with a different schedule for my daughter and...

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What You CAN Do with a RootsTech Virtual Pass

Are you unable to go to RootsTech in person this year? It’s happening on Feb. 26, 2020. There’s still time for you to purchase the RootsTech virtual pass and learn from your home. Here is what I learned from my virtual learning experience! Virtual Pass Classes RootsTech offers a virtual pass that costs $129 and gives you access...

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How to Prepare for RootsTech like a Pro

What is RootsTech you ask? It’s only one of the biggest genealogy conferences in the U.S. that’s all. It’s coming up on Feb. 26-29, 2020. It’s not too late to sign up for this important event. If you haven’t signed up for it and you’re interested then here’s the link. In this article, let’s talk...

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2 Easy Ways to Document Your Family’s Love Letters

Did your ancestor’s ever write love letters to each other? How about just regular letters? Do you have cards, postcards, or other paper correspondence that you want to document and share? It’s almost Valentine’s Day and I want to share with you two ways that can help you document those special letters. The word “document”...

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