4 Simple Steps to Create Genealogy Habits

Have you ever found yourself with a lot of genealogy goals and projects, but not a single one done? I have! So in this article we’re talking about how to create genealogy habits that will help you accomplish your genealogy goals and projects. I’ve been reading Atomic Habits by James Clear and I’ve noticed that the rules that he talks about in...

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5 Genealogy Tools to Make Your Research Easier

Have you ever started a genealogy research session and stared at a blank page? Where do you start? Who do you research? And what records do you use? That’s where genealogy organization comes in. The genealogy tools that I share are some of the most basic that you’ll need to get the results that you want for your ancestors. Genealogy...

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Organize Your Genealogy the Home Edit Way

Have you heard of The Home Edit company? They are an organizing business that was created and grown solely on social media. Now they have an international presence with a website, books, product line and multiple organizing teams going all over the nation to help people organize. They also have a Netflix series that I’ve kind of been...

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Organize Your Life History and Find Joy

Are you ready to tackle your life history? What about just doing a page at a time? How do you even organize that without getting overwhelmed? I love life histories! I have always kept journals, albeit not perfectly, but I understand the principle about why we do it. I’ve gone back and read journals from when I was 13, 16, a newlywed, a new...

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Create a Genealogy Workflow and Save Energy

Struggling with having an efficient workflow when doing genealogy research? I hear ya! The workflow of anything that we do matters. The genealogy workflow is no different. So I’m sharing my tips for how I create a workflow that works for me. These tips help me stay organized before I start researching, during my research, and after I’m...

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3 Popular Ways to Organize Your Computer Files

Wrestling with how to organize your genealogy computer files? I’ve been there! I know how frustrating it is to find a system that works for you. I’ve been through many systems over the years and it’s not easy being in the middle of it all. So I’m sharing 3 of the most popular ways to organize your computer files. I’ve...

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One Way to Easily Organize Your Genealogy Documents

Today I’m speaking to all of us who have loads of paper genealogy documents that we would like to get organized once and for all. I’m talking about genealogy record copies, family letters, vital records, newspaper clippings, inherited paper files, etc. These can be overwhelming if we don’t already have a system in place. I will...

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How to Look Forward on Your Genealogy Journey

The year 2020 was rough for many of you. I was not immune to the stresses of that year. However, as we look forward to the year 2021 we can have courage and determination to make this year different for our genealogy. Maybe you were unmotivated this last year to even look at your genealogy. You wanted to just let all of your genealogy go because...

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Genealogy Hack: What is a Timeline for Genealogy?

What is a timeline? Most people learn about timelines in school for their history classes. A timeline is a list of events in a chronological form. History classes use this tool as a way for people to remember dates and places. However, we use timelines as a genealogy hack to show the dates and places of our ancestors. These timelines can correspond...

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