Find Norwegian Census Records in 2 Simple Ways

Census records will be one of the first places you will look when starting on your Norwegian ancestor search. The other one will be church records. But I like to start with the census records because it gives me a feel for the family dynamics. I learn who is in the family, where they resided, when they were born, and a whole bunch more information....

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4 Important Tips When Using Norwegian Records

There are many things to be aware of when working with Norwegian records or any Scandinavian records. These things will help you find your Norwegian ancestors faster and more efficiently if you understand them. So take the time to learn how the Norwegians do things and you will find success. Naming Patterns in Norwegian Records Norwegian...

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A Reliable Way To Start Norwegian Genealogy

Hello family historians! Did you just learn that you have Norwegian ancestors? Have you known about your Norwegian ancestors and yet didn’t want to get started on them just yet? Getting started with your Norwegian genealogy records isn’t as complicated as you might expect. It is a simple step by step process just like any research project....

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How to Make RootsTech 2021 Successful for You

Rootstech 2021 is only a week away and I can’t wait! This year it’s going to be different because it’s all virtual and all free! Yep, all free! First time ever! I’ve been to three Rootstechs in the past and I’ve learned from each one. But this year will be even more learning and all in the comfort of our homes. Who...

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7 Simple Genealogy Projects for February

Do you need some genealogy projects for this month? Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and you want to make it meaningful, but don’t know how? I share some ideas that you can not only do for Valentine’s Day, but for the whole month. So let’s get started! Plan Genealogy Travel February is ideal for planning trips...

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3 Easy Steps to Creating My Family Yearbook

Post originally published Feb 28, 2020 I love yearbooks! I find great satisfaction creating my family yearbook every year. However, I stopped for a few years because I told myself I didn’t have the time to devote to it anymore. I lost my motivation to do it! Then I found Becky Higgins Project Life App and it changed my perspective. I saw...

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Organize Your Life History and Find Joy

Are you ready to tackle your life history? What about just doing a page at a time? How do you even organize that without getting overwhelmed? I love life histories! I have always kept journals, albeit not perfectly, but I understand the principle about why we do it. I’ve gone back and read journals from when I was 13, 16, a newlywed, a new...

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Create a Genealogy Workflow and Save Energy

Struggling with having an efficient workflow when doing genealogy research? I hear ya! The workflow of anything that we do matters. The genealogy workflow is no different. So I’m sharing my tips for how I create a workflow that works for me. These tips help me stay organized before I start researching, during my research, and after I’m...

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3 Popular Ways to Organize Your Computer Files

Wrestling with how to organize your genealogy computer files? I’ve been there! I know how frustrating it is to find a system that works for you. I’ve been through many systems over the years and it’s not easy being in the middle of it all. So I’m sharing 3 of the most popular ways to organize your computer files. I’ve...

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