Author: Tiffany

What Beginner Genealogists Need to Get Started

Beginner genealogists have a hard time getting started because genealogy is so varied and so complex. Especially when you’re beginning your research journey. What do you need? Where do you go to find records? How do you save what you find? There are many questions and not enough answers. So I’m sharing four basic things to help you...

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Family Search Blog: A Reliable Resource for YOU

Did you know that Family Search has a blog? I didn’t! It was a couple years ago that I stumbled across it myself and it’s an amazing resource. I think we are accustomed to using Google as our main research tool when learning about a topic. But the Family Search blog has a lot to offer as well in this area. So let me show you what it...

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RootsTech Connect and 4 Valuable Classes from it

Do you want to learn more about genealogy by taking classes? It’s challenging to find the right fit for your time and budget. But at Family Search you get a link to RootsTech Connect, which is the virtual platform for RootsTech 2021. They held the official event in February, but you can still watch classes on a variety of subjects either by...

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More of What’s New at Family Search

Family Search is continuing to grow its website. So I share two tools that are often overlooked when using this website. But they are gold when it comes to genealogy. These new at Family Search tools help you move forward in your genealogy journey and can connect you with others who are doing the same. Family Search Communities Do you love...

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What’s New at Family Search for Connecting Families

Are you a big fan of the Family Search website? Are you a beginner just learning about it? Or are you a family member looking for family connections on this genealogy powerhouse website? It doesn’t matter where you are on your genealogy journey, you can still appreciate the effort that people have put into this website. So I’m sharing...

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2 Ways to Stay Connected with Living Relatives

Are you struggling with connecting with your family? How are your relationships with your living relatives? Do you want to do more? Having those social connections is so important today not only for our emotional health, but also our physical health. There have been many studies linking physical diseases with how socially connected you are. So I’m...

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How to Get Your Kids Excited about Genealogy

Do you have family members that you wish would be more interested in genealogy? Have you tried different things to engage them, but none has worked so far? I’m with you on this one! I’ve got family members that just aren’t interested. But I don’t give up. I’ve learned to be considerate of their seasons of life while...

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Genealogy and Family: 4 Useful Tips to Solve Problems

For the month of April let’s talk about genealogy and how to fit it into your family life, how to get your kids excited about it, how to include your family in it, and how to not pull your hair out with frustration along the way. Basically I will be talking about the family pain points of genealogy. So let’s get started! What’s...

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How to Find Norwegian Church Records Like a Pro

Finding Norwegian church records when they’re not on or can be challenging if you don’t know where to look. I will show you my way of finding those records using the Norwegian Digital Archives website.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I love using and for most of...

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