Author: Tiffany

How Can I Use Norwegian Censuses in my Research?

Hi readers! I’m playing around with different logos and how they look on my blog.  So bear with me as you might see many different images on my posts.    How is this weather treating you in your area? Over here, the weather is finally getting that crisp fall feel that I love! The perfect fall weather is crisp, sunny, and no wind. That’s when...

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Things to Look for When Researching Norwegian Birth Records

Hi, everyone! Did you have a great week? Did you find anything fun while searching for your ancestors? Are you wondering what your next step in your journey is? Are you burned out because the journey is taking too much of your energy? Do you love the hunt as much as I do? This week on the Scandinavian Genealogy Hour, we will be taking a deeper...

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Wednesday Wisdom

Hey everyone! I hope your week is going well so far. This week is a pretty slow week for me so I’m able to catch up on all of my projects that are half done! Woo Hoo! Anyway, I’m starting a new midweek post about tips, tricks, humor, quick stories, pick of the week items, etc. to share with you guys. I hope it’s fun and a little...

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Should I Hire a Professional Genealogist?

Hello readers! I was thinking about what I should write about today. I have written a lot about the practical side of doing genealogy. I decided to take a break from that on this post and focus instead on some stories and concerns that people might have about hiring a genealogist. First, I want to share a story with you about my own genealogy...

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Brief History of Norwegian Birth Records

Norwegian words of the day Church record-kirkebøker State church-Statskirken Baptism-Døpte Birth-Fødte Hello everyone, I’m glad to be back again to talk with you more about Norway records. I love talking about the different ways other countries store information and share it. Norway is fascinating to me.  I still have fun learning about their...

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Why Norway’s history is important for record keeping

Norwegian words of the day Bondsman or sponsors of a marriage-Forloverne Day-Dag Month-Måned Name-Navn, Navne Year-Aar, År Hello friends, welcome back! I hope everyone has had terrific week full of learning experiences. I know I’ve had my fair share this week. Have you had any success with your genealogy lately? If so, I would love to hear about...

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More American Records that Support Norwegian Research

This is so true!!! Norwegian Words of the Day Witnesses/Godparents-Fadder, testes Age-Ålder Child-Barn, Barnet, Born Welcome back friends to another exciting episode of discovering my Norwegian ancestor.  In this post, I will be talking about what I found on Johanna’s Nebraska death and marriage records that linked her with her immigrant...

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The saga continues…

Norwegian Words of the Day Father-Far Mother-Mor Parents-Forældre Hi friends! Welcome to another addition of how I found my immigrant ancestor part 2. As stated in my last post, I found an immigration document that I suspected was Johanna’s, but I wasn’t sure without other documents to verify that one. A good genealogist does her best to have multiple...

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