Author: Tiffany

Documenting Our Ancestor’s Lives

Hi, friends! I hope all is well this week! Any good genealogy gems this week? Wasn’t RootsTech amazing last week. I learned so much about the different aspects of genealogy. I want to focus this week on documenting our genealogy. Why do we search for hours on or looking for that elusive record? Why does it matter...

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RootsTech and Becoming a Professional Genealogist

RootsTech logo Hello everyone! How’s it going this week? It’s Roots Tech week! What’s that you say? It’s a genealogy convention held in Salt Lake City, UT that covers everything genealogy.  They have classes on just about everything, DNA, photos, preservation, tech, regional research, maps, social media, latest news and trends, etc. ...

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Your Ancestor’s Swedish Marriage Records and How to Find Them

Hello everyone! How’s it going this week? Did you have any new genealogy discoveries this week? Has anyone found any Scandinavian marriage records this week that they want to share? Because that’s what we’re going to be finishing the month with is Scandinavian marriage records, specifically Swedish marriage records.  I had someone ask about...

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Scandinavian Marriage Records-More than just Names

Happy Valentine’s month! I hope you’ve had a great week. I also hope you had a great Valentine’s Day yesterday. We will be talking about Scandinavian marriage records in a minute because marriage records are a great topic to talk about for the month of February. But first let me tell you about my Valentine’s day. It was a normal...

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Your Ancestor’s Marriage Customs and Genealogy

Happy Valentine’s month everyone! Isn’t it great to celebrate love in all of its forms?  Love for a friend, spouse, child, coworker, neighbor, cousin, aunt, uncle, grandparent, etc. is what we are all about this month. To me it’s like a second Christmas. I want to feel that warm magical feeling that makes me love the world. I might be a romantic...

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How Can a Research Log Help Me be a Better Genealogist?

Hey Friends! How’s it going this week? Any new genealogy discoveries? Any new brick walls? Have you tried applying new organization tools this week? Anyway, it’s great to share with you more of what has helped me with my genealogy. So let’s get started! This week I’m sharing another organizing tool that has really helped me get even better at...

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How Research Plans Helped Me Get my Genealogy Goals in Shape

Hi friends! How is everyone doing this week? I’m doing great as usual! My life has been pretty normal this past week. We just got done celebrating my daughter’s birthday and I must admit that she is growing up fast! I was just looking at some of her birthday pictures and I was comparing them to her pictures taken last year. I can see the difference! Her...

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How do YOU Organize your Genealogy?

Happy New Year everyone! I love a fresh start and the New Year makes it easier to think new thoughts about my life, my family, my career, and my goals. I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions because I’m constantly making goals all year long.  I personally believe that one should be making goals all year and not only making the big goals at New...

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