Genealogy Gifts for Your Family

Have you started thinking about what to give your family for the holidays coming up? One way to really personalize a gift is to give genealogy gifts. I’ve done this a few times in the past and it’s usually a hit with my family even though they are not into genealogy.

Genealogy Gifts Do’s

genealogy gifts for your family,

Do be thoughtful when thinking about what to give. Think about the person you’re giving to. Do they have a special connection with another relative? Do they like to cook or bake? Do they appreciate photography or history? Do they like receiving handwritten notes? Remember, they don’t have to like genealogy! You can still give a genealogy gift to someone who doesn’t like genealogy.

Give yourself plenty of time to plan, organize, and do the project especially if it’s a DIY genealogy gift. This is one that I have to really be disciplined on because I usually don’t give myself enough time to finish the project. I have learned to schedule it in my planner and honor that schedule in order to get them done on time.

Remember, you don’t have to get or make the perfect gift. There’s no such thing! Besides, thinking too much about a gift will just slow you down and you won’t have enough time to buy or make it. You just need to get it done. A done B- gift is better than a not finished yet A+ gift.

Genealogy Gifts Don’ts

genealogy gifts for your family,

You don’t have to make a genealogy gift! There are plenty of companies out there selling the perfect personalized thing for your family member. If you’re not crafty at all or don’t have enough time, then there’s no shame in buying a genealogy gift. I will talk more about the companies that I like to buy from later in the post.

Don’t worry about if they like it or not. What I mean by that is you can’t give a gift to someone expecting a certain reaction from them. You give a gift because it makes YOU happy! They are responsible for their reaction to your gift. That part of gift giving is not your business! What is your business is your reason for giving the gift in the first place. Is it to get a reaction? Or is it because you like the feelings that come with giving gifts? Give a gift, any gift, because you want to feel happy. Nothing more. Drop the expectations you have around gift giving.

Gift Ideas

Genealogy gifts for your family,

I’m going to share some of my favorite gift ideas. Some I’ve done and some I have on my wish list to do in the future. This list is just inspiration to get you started on thinking about your own list. So here goes…

Family Chart Masters– This company does a phenomenal job at turning your pedigree charts into beautiful wall decor or other display projects. It depends on how far back you want the generations to go and how detailed you want it. You just talk with one of their workers to hash out the details and they do the work! It’s great!

AncestryDNA kits– This is another gift you can buy instead of make. This is definitely one that can be given to anyone in your family, not just those interested in genealogy. These kits are also good for children as well as adults.

Kids Ideas-Family History Games such as Guess Who?, Go Fish, Bingo, Jeopardy, Getting to Know You games, coloring books, etc.

You can make photo books, ancestral cookbooks, photo tiles, photo cubes, family directories, photo ornaments, bookmarks,family history storybooks,family birthday calendar, family tree art, etc.

The List is Endless!!!


Now that you have some ideas about genealogy gift giving, go and do it! I recommend sticking with one idea and finishing it to the end. Don’t overthink it or hop from one idea to another. Just give it a try and stick with your plan.

Good luck and happy hunting!


P.S. If any of this sounds overwhelming or you need more ideas, then hop over to my contact page and shoot me an email by clicking the button below. Remember, no question is a silly question. Just be brave!

genealogy gifts for your family,
genealogy gifts for your family,
genealogy gifts for your family,
genealogy gifts for your family,

ancestrydna, familychartmasters, games, genealogy gifts, holidays, Pedigree Charts, photos


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